Become a Member

BusNSW is the Industry Voice

BusNSW is the peak body representing the interests of the private bus and coach industry in NSW. BusNSW represents more than 700 members that employ 15,000 staff and operate approximately 6,500 vehicles. BusNSW takes every opportunity to advance the image of public transport, and takes the lead role in industrial relations and negotiating with government on current issues, including performance based contracts and increasing accreditation conditions.

Outstanding Member Advocacy and Services

BusNSW employs a dedicated team of staff that represent and assist members on a range of industrial, operational and commercial issues. BusNSW provides quality professional services to members via business development, advocacy, promotion and innovation. The BusNSW website gives members access to a large volume of information as well as a special “Members Area” that contains fact sheets, templates, calculators and other vital information. The site also includes an online store ” BusSigns + to purchase bus signage & safety equipment at discounted member prices (members must be logged into the site for discounted price).

How BusNSW works

BusNSW’s greatest resource is its members who dedicate their time and expertise to advancing public transport. BusNSW is divided into 17 branches organised primarily according to a region. Each branch elects a number of delegates and these delegates in turn elect the BusNSW board of management which controls the work program of BusNSW and appoints an executive to run a small team of staff. Delegates from each branch meet at delegates forums throughout the year to identify issues and priorities. These are progressed through board committees serviced by BusNSW staff, including industrial, technical, marketing and operations committees. Members through the board determine the work program of BusNSW.

Types of Membership

Full members – Full membership is open to accredited bus and coach operators in NSW. Members are able to attend local branch meetings, conferences and seminars held at various times throughout the year. Coach operators have their own branch and meet regularly to address their needs. Members vary considerably in size and structure, ranging from multinational corporations to small, family owned businesses.

Associate members –  Associate membership is available to suppliers of goods and services, who support the industry in one way or another. Associated members are invited to forums and conferences held throughout the year. Associate members also receive a monthly bulletin and have access to the members section of the BusNSW website. Associate members do not have any voting rights.

Benefits of BusNSW Membership (Full & Associate)

2025 Membership Fees